What is Soil Nailing?
Soil nailing is a stabilization method used to treat unstable natural or man-made slopes or retaining walls. Stabilization is achieved by inserting tension resistant steel bars into the earth. These steel bars are inserted at a specific angle chosen by an engineer for maximum stability. Once the soil nails are inserted into the surface, they are grouted into place.
The Process
Soil nail installation follows a specific process. After creating the soil nail design, typically a cut is excavated from a wall or slope and held into place with temporary supports if needed. Next, using various equipment the soil nails are drilled according to the design. The equipment used for drilling the nails depends on the stability of the material. Once all the holes are drilled, the soil nails are installed and grouted into place. Finally, a drainage system is put into to place to prevent corrosion and deterioration. After the soil nails and drain systems are properly installed, shotcrete is typically applied over the surface.
Shotcrete is a new leader in functional and creative construction for endless possibilities.
Rock and Soil Stabilization
Rock and Soil Stabilization through a design-build approach can deliver the essential shoring requirements for your project.
Infrastructure Repair
Offering economical solutions to pipelines, bridges and roads that are low impact to the public.
Renewable Energy
Focusing on foundation elements for Solar, Wind, and Water that has evolved into site specific design-build applications.
Architectural Shotcrete
After the engineering and construction of walls, many owners go a step further in the appearance of the wall. Sculpted Shotcrete is one of many choices.
Testing and Performance Monitoring
Often tests are used to verify that the soil nails are installed to specification. These tests are used to inspect the current state of the soil nail installation. There are three types of tests performed. These tests are load tests, proof tests, and creep tests. A load test checks the overall strength of the surface. A proof test is to verify the construction proceeder is consistent and soil nails have been installed in a verified zone. Creep tests are to ensure that designed loads will be maintained safely over time.
For long-term monitoring, inclinometers, load cells, and strain gauges may be used. These help determine the movement and deterioration.
Our Work With Soil Nails
Thorcon has used soil nails extensively in Colorado to stabilize retaining walls and slopes. In addition to installation, we will also test installations and provide long-term monitoring if needed.
Contact us to learn more about our experience with soil nails and if they may be needed for your application.

Need a Quote?
Thorcon Shotcrete and Shoring is a reputable, Colorado-based Geotechnical Contractor. Our technical team specializes in slope stabilization and design-build projects that include Micro-Piles, Shotcrete/Gunite, Rock Bolts and Ground Anchors.
We provide Colorado and the surrounding states with our high standard of service. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your shotcrete needs.