Western U.S. Shotcrete Contractors & Exceptional Customer Service – What Does It Mean to You?

June 29, 2016

“If You Don’t Have Time to Do It Right, When Will You Have Time to Do It Over?” – John Wooden

By now everyone has heard of the cable provider well known for providing horrific customer service – but who represents the opposite of this? We typically hear about the bad players, but what about companies that go above and beyond to provide exceptional customer service? Does Thorcon Shotcrete and Shoring meet your expectations as a reputable Colorado shotcrete contractor?

Recently I read a short article that described how great companies provide excellent customer service to their clients. This comes as no surprise, however, there is a trend we are seeing more and more that does not coincide well with providing exceptional customer service in some businesses.

A name for this trend could be: “The No Revolution”. Books like The One Minute Manager, and a plethora of YouTube videos advocate using “No” as a way to increase your efficiency, and get more done in our ever-so hectic lives. I have not read the One Minute Manager, but this appears to be the premise. We are in times when hard-working families are doing what they can just to get by in an economy that is not currently bustling, so naturally by saying “No” to new tasks provides a great solution, right? I disagree. My question is where does this end? And no, I am not referring to the news of the Yellowstone volcanic super eruption in Wyoming as “the end”.

In 2016 with a leaner economy, and tighter budgets all-around, doing “a little extra” is not advocated like it used to be. Still, we strive to ensure my customers are pleased with the quality and service they receive. As “The No Revolution” continues, a recent article by a successful CEO discussed the benefits of saying “Yes” to solving problems – and turning these opportunities into learning situations to grow your skills. Is there a happy medium in all of this? Certainly!

Overall, if we at Thorcon do not get it right initially – please do not hesitate to let us know. As noted previously, numerous shotcrete contractors exist, so your satisfaction as our client is a top priority.